4 Mayıs 2021 Salı


Padlet is a web tool that is similar to Edmodo. firstly let's talk about opening an account and later how can it be used as a tool in education. 

Like many other web tools at first, you need to open an account. After that, you should click the Create a New Padlet in order to, well obviously, create a new padlet wall. If you click the Modify This Wall you can place a title and a description about your new project. You can also change the wallpaper, layout to stream, grid, and freeform. 

By using Padlet you can upload images, links, audio files, documents, or videos for your students to see. In order to start posting you can simply double click anywhere on the board, you can drag your files or paste the files you wish to share. You can also click the plus icon on the lower right to do the same thing. 

You can make your Padlet board open to the public or put on a password for your students only. You can share the link with your students for them to join. In Padlet, students can also share on the board as well as you so it's like a platform where you create your class's resource with the help of students. For more details, you know what to do.

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