4 Mayıs 2021 Salı


To use Voki, obviously, you need to create an account if you don't have one already. After opening your account you can simply log in and start to explore more on Voki. If you click on the button that says Classroom, you can view your classroom or create one. To create Voki, you can click on the create button. As you can see so far, using Voki is so simple, there is a button for everything you want to do. 

When you click create button it gives you an avatar, you can customize your avatar with the options Voki provides and also change your avatar with something else. After your avatar is set, you click the button on the bottom to save audio for your avatar. You write the text with your keyboard and choose the language you have written so that it can show you different accents on that language which has been voiced by different voices. 

It is really helpful to hear different accents and understanding them for language learners and Voki provides it. You can also record your voice so that would be amazing benefit if you want to give some pronunciation assignments for your students. Let's watch video below for detailed explanation.

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