30 Nisan 2021 Cuma


 Edpuzzle gives the chance of customizing the educative videos that teachers provide for their students. With that teachers also have the opportunity by knowing if the students actually understand anything from the video uploaded because they can pause the video in the exact minute they arrange and ask students a question about the video before they can move forward. Additionally customizing the videos also includes cutting some parts of the videos that teachers may think is unnecessary or irrelevant with the topic. 

Edpuzzle is free but it limits the video lessons you can add and if you want a pro-teacher account you have to pay 9,50 dollars a month which is approximately 8.5 times more in Turkey because of the currency.

So we have talked about how to use the account but how can a teacher involve her students in it? Simple. After you open your account go to the home page and click the My Classes button on the right on top. Then you click add new class button on the left, this way you will have to choose whether you want to add your students from your Google Classroom class or you can create a new class by yourself. For more details, let's watch the video below.


 Here, there is a brief explanation about Edmodo and how to utilize it in classes. Edmodo is a platform where teachers and students create accounts according to their role and can exchange data through. Teachers can submit announcements for their students to see and they can also answer if they have any problem with that or affirm if it is convenient. Teachers can share documents involving their lessons with their students and even give assignments to them. These works can also be graded by teachers for students to see. 

First, we need to open an account which is super easy. Our account will be a teacher's account. 

After we choose that Edmodo will ask us to select a location as where our school is. We will go with Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa, Istanbul-Turkey. After that, you verify your email and that's it. After you verify your email account this is the page that will come.

Since there is no actual class that we can participate in, we will create a new made-up class which we will call class x and Edmodo will give us a unique code to invite our students to the class.

In order to create an assignment, we click the create button on the right of the main page. We can also create quizzes or jumpstart activities but I choose to demonstrate assignments for now.

You can include instructions and also attach documents involving the assignments

There are more things that teachers can use in Edmodo and I just demonstrated the basics of the basics. For the basics, let's watch the video below.

9 Nisan 2021 Cuma

Presence Types

 The first one is social presence. Social presence involves students, participants feeling connected to the class environment. Teachers must keep their students involved in class so obviously, it improves participation. It is like forming a community to lessen the feeling of loneliness and make students feel as they are part of something. This is something most needed during online education but providing such an environment is not something that everyone can do. In order to do that, the teachers need to adapt their teaching system accordingly.

The second one, transactional presence is something that comes after the social presence. They are alike in the matter of students feeling they are all part of something together, there is just a small difference. In transactional presence, it is all about transactions between "students". It can be achieved by making students give presentations to their classmates.

Thirdly the cognitive presence can be achieved by, like transactional presence, transaction of information among students. The crucial difference between them is cognitive presence involving a couple of students interacting with each other. It is best achieved by group works. With group works students share their thoughts with each other and contribute to the creation of the material.

Lastly, there is a teaching presence. Teaching presence is the bounding presence that holds the other presences together, with teaching presence the other presences can be achieved or even exist. Basically, teaching presence is the founding presence of all presences.

7 Nisan 2021 Çarşamba

The Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning

    Richard E. Mayer and others have been made multimedia learning popular with their work. When we build mental representations from words and pictures multimedia learning happens. The Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning is a theory about people learning way better when their verbal contents are supported by visual contents as well. It is claimed that learning with the use of both, content learning will be more effective. So according to The Cognitive Theory Of Multimedia Learning; if a teacher uses both words and pictures in a harmony in the lesson it will appeal the both verbal and visual senseswhich will provide the learning being more effective. Which will also ensure the content to be saved in the long term memory of the learners.
